Saturday, November 8, 2008

What should I put on my resume?

Q: What should I put on my resume?

A: As a recruiter in science and engineering, my advice is put three things on your resume.

Relevant information.
By relevant, I mean that you should list education and jobs where you learned skills that will make you an attractive employee. If the job seems out of context, be sure to highlight the relevant experiences and skills you learned on the job. A chemical engineer who served as an assistant manager at a restaurant might not think to include the experience on his resume. She should because she probably learned basic business accounting and how to lead teams while on the job. These are critical skills for almost any position.

Eligibility for clearance. If you are looking for a federal or government contractor job that may require a security clearance, you will help your chances by listing any security clearances you have held in the past. If you have not held one, state whether or not you are eligible. Presently, only U.S. citizens can obtain security clearances. If you are a U.S. citizen, say so on your resume.

Your personal philosophy. I’ve got a list of things I look for in potential candidates. Most recruiters do. While I will tell students what they should be studying in hopes that they naturally build themselves into the perfect employee, I don’t tell resume writers how to write a resume that artificially builds a nice, but false, picture. What you write must be true to you. Your resume should communicate what you can do to make your potential employer successful. If your potential employer doesn’t think what you can do will help them, the job is a bad fit. Keep looking. When you meet with an employer that resonates with your abilities, you have a good match. Remember that you are a customer, too. No job is worth sacrificing your own values, so don’t take one that will.

I want to be a millionaire. How can I make a million dollars?

Q: I want to be a millionaire. How can I make a million dollars?

Why do you want to be a millionaire? If you want to be a millionaire so that you can spend money freely, I can’t help you. People who like to spend money have a hard time becoming millionaires. Many people believe that becoming a doctor or a lawyer is a one-way ticket to riches. I’m sorry to disappoint, but that is not the case. Becoming a millionaire is not just about making a bunch of money. Once made, you have to save and invest that money so that it makes more of itself for your benefit. This means learning and understanding the difference between an asset and a liability. The easy definition is that an asset becomes more valuable over time and a liability loses value over time. Many people think cars are assets, but in reality they are our biggest liabilities. Not only do they lose value over time, they cost money to use and maintain. In general, real estate is considered to be a great asset. Although we may be going through a national real estate slump in 2007, real estate usually appreciates in value over time. The key to becoming a millionaire is investing your money into assets and avoiding liabilities. If you research the spending habits of people around you, you will see that most people routinely waste their money on liabilities. To increase your wealth, you need to limit expenditures in things like Starbucks, cars, clothing, movies, and other commodities that get consumed or lose value. I’m not saying that we should not clothe ourselves, but if we want to be millionaires, paying $6.00 for Starbucks versus $1.00 at the gas station can be classified as flushing money down the toilet. Did you know that the average millionaire buys his suits at J.C. Penny’s? The company sells great suits that last for years and are extremely affordable ($200 on sale). Millionaires rarely buy new cars. They buy 3-year old cars and either drive them into the ground or sell them 3-years later for almost the same amount. This saves them thousands of dollars that they dump into real estate, stocks, bonds, retirement accounts, and businesses. If you want to be a millionaire, learn more about how the average millionaire lives by reading The Millionaire Next Door by Dr. Thomas J. Stanley and Dr. William D. Danko.

How can I get a patent?

Q: How can I get a patent?

A: Individuals and companies obtain patents to protect new inventions. A patent allows the holder to control the use of the technology for a set period of time. After the patent expires, anyone is free to copy and use the same technology without paying the original patent holder. Patents are used to reward the inventor for inventing something new and useful. The patent holder can exclusively manufacture and sell the patented product or the patent holder can license the technology to another company in exchange for
payment. Individuals with little interest in creating a factory and sales company will often try to find a licensee for their patented technology.

If you have created a new invention, you can patent it, but beware. Patents are expensive for two reasons. First, it costs money to obtain a patent. Most people pay thousands and thousands of dollars to legal firms to navigate patent law and appropriately format their patents for submission. Some people can avoid legal firms, but they have to research patent law and carefully understand the government regulations for patent filing. For those who try to file a patent themselves, the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office collects fees that can range from the hundreds to over a thousand dollars. The fees can be investigated at Once your patent is awarded, you now have to maintain and defend it. This is where the real expense of a patent comes into play. Although you may control the patent of a key technology, if another company infringes your patent, you may have to pay incredible sums to defend it in court. The upside is that if you win, then you will see a huge payday. If you do not win or if you run out of money, the loss could ruin your financial life.

To read more about patents, check out the resources at the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, Alternatively, has a lot of information about patents.

Saturday, October 4, 2008

I’m getting a BS in engineering and would like to continue on to graduate school. I am not sure if I should pursue a Masters in Engineering or a MBA?

Q. I’m getting a BS in engineering and would like to continue on to graduate school. I am not sure if I should pursue a Masters in Engineering or a Masters in Business Administration?

A. It depends on what you want to do with your education. If you want to do engineering, go for the Masters in Engineering. If you want to be a manager with a technical background, get the MBA. The fact that you are weighing the pros and cons of both options suggests that you may be looking to make significant technical contributions while managing people or projects. If that is the case, you might want to get both a MS in Engineering and MBA. Do yourself a favor and go for the Masters in Engineering first. Engineering is hard and the longer you are away from the advanced math and rigorous courses, the harder it will be to get back in the swing of things. If you are presently an engineering student, consider continuing on as a full time student until your Masters is complete. Once complete, you should be able to get a job that pays better than those available to BS college graduates. Begin making your technical contributions and start preparing for your MBA course of study.

I’m about to graduate and I have a choice of two jobs and a girlfriend.

Q. I’m about to graduate and I have a choice of two jobs. Job 1 is my dream job, but it is located out of state. Job 2 is a decent job located in town. I also have a girlfriend. She has a year left in school and I think there is a future for us. If I take Job 1, I know it won’t be good for our relationship. If I take Job 2, it won’t be good for my career. I really like this girl. What should I do?

A. I think this is the first time Dr. MAES will ever give relationship advice. You are facing a common dilemma. Many people consider sacrificing their careers for a relationship. Before I entered to graduate school, I considered postponing my education to move near a girl I had fancied. I wanted to see if there was a future for us. In the end, I entered graduate school as plan and broke up with the girl. I have no regrets. Two years later, my girlfriend of a few months took an awesome out of state job with one of the best companies in the United States. For a couple years, we took turns driving 3 hours every weekend to see each other. When we got engaged, she sacrificed her career, moving back to our college town, where we were married and had our first child. Now on child number three, we’re still married and she has no regrets. I have two pieces of advice for you:

1) Don’t think either/or. Taking Job 1 may not be good for your relationship, but who says you have to sacrifice your career for it? How can you maintain your relationship and still pursue a rewarding career?
2) Choose what is right for you and don’t look back. Many people like to dwell on the past. Do yourself a favor and move on. There is no point to regretting past decisions. Maybe they were dumb, but they are over. Don’t do the same dumb thing twice. That’s about all you have to remember. Whatever you choose, go for it with all you’ve got.

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Which major is the best one to pursue in college?

Q: Which major is the best one to pursue in college?

A: It depends on what you want. Do you want to make a lot of money? Do you want to do something you love? Do you want to be a business owner? Do you want to always be employed? Do you want to be a medical doctor or dentist? Do you want to be a senior scientist or senior engineer? Do you want to be a professor? It all depends, but I can give you a few rules of thumb. If you want to be a medical doctor, the major that has the highest chance of admission into medical school is physics. Physics is also a great major if you love science and want to go to grad school. Physics majors can take their degrees and use them to enter into any technical graduate program or professional school. Everyone thinks physics is hard, so majors get a lot of respect. If you love science and want to be a PhD researcher, but you’re not sure in which field, physics is a great place to start. The same is also true for chemistry majors. In my experience, biology is usually chosen by students wanting to go to med school, but if you look at the statistics, physics majors have the best shot. What if you want to get a job easily right out of undergrad? If you want to get a job right out of college, consider science or engineering. Only 5% of all bachelors degrees are in the engineering versus 22% in business. That amounts to 60,000 new engineers each year versus 290,000 new business graduates. Corporations have been complaining that there are not enough engineers being educated in the United States, so which population do you think is in higher demand? New engineers with decent GPAs can demand high starting salaries. So, if you love science and engineering, spending four years sweating through it can really payoff when you are looking for a job. The top five highest paying college majors are all engineering degrees paying starting salaries over $50,000 a year according to a July 12, 2007 article in Money magazine.

I know I think like an engineer, but I really love sports medicine. Is there any way to really combine the two of them?

Q: I’m a senior in high school and I am on the fence about pursuing engineering or sports medicine. I know I think like an engineer, but I really love sports medicine. Is there any way to really combine the two of them?


A: First of all, the answer is yes. You can do both engineering and sports medicine. Before we get into the how, I’d like to ask you a few questions. Do you love engineering as much as you love sports medicine? If not, why try to combine them? Thinking like an engineer is a gift that you can apply to any major you choose to pursue. Thinking like an engineer will make it easier for you to be an engineer, but it doesn’t mean you have to be one. On the other hand, if you love engineering as much as you love sports medicine, there are some incredible opportunities for you. Many engineers enjoy applying their gifts to the field of medicine. Some do it as doctors or trainers who research and use the latest technology to create advanced training routines for athletes. Others create ways to speed the healing process, putting athletes back on the field faster than ever before. Some engineers work on the technology side, making revolutionary prosthetics that can allow amputees to run again. Many engineers work on devices that enhance player’s performance from arm braces that prevent hyperextension to precise mass distribution and shape in golf club design. You can also work on engineering tissue. Some scientists have been able to grow human ears on the backs of lab mice. To find out more, try researching the following topics: biomedical engineering, prosthetics, tissue engineering, and sports medicine technology. If you want to get into the engineering side of sports medicine, I would recommend that you go through a good physics or engineering program. An engineer can get into sports medicine easier than a sports medicine major can get into engineering. You might consider a double major or minor in sports medicine, but don’t feel that it is a requirement.